Wednesday, September 15, 2004


If you're like me, when you think of Wisconsin you think of two things:
1) cheese curds, and 2) the future of the United States of America!

This weekend you can help play a critical role in determining the fate of our great democracy by making a quick trip up to the Badger State and helping one of the fine organizations below get out the vote for John Kerry and the Democratic party.

I am not saying you have to go to Wisconsin, but Barack Obama thinks you should.

(And if you wake up on Nov. 3 wondering "Could I have done something more?" this will be the something you could have done.)

Kerry Chicago Outreach will even bus you up to Cheeseland:
This Saturday we will be canvassing in Milwaukee.

Please come ride the bus or drive to Milwaukee to help us with this blitz. Please read the instructions below and RSVP back to

This time buses will be leaving simultaneously from Evanston and Chicago at 9:30am sharp.
WHEN: Saturday, September 18 @ 9:00 AM
WHERE: Chicago - Kerry HQ - 57 W Grand map @9:30 am (Organizers Daniel B and Jonas) (This is just a block or so from the Grand stop on the red line, and a relatively short walk from the downtown terminus of the 6 bus.)
Evanston - DPoE HQ - 826 Custer map @9:30 am (Organizer Daniel D)
Please RSVP back to

Your RSVP should include: 1) Where you want to meet the bus (in Evanston or Chicago). 2) If you are willing to drive if needed and take other volunteers. 3) Your cellular phone for the organizer. Volunteers are asked to arrive at their respective locations at 9:00 am to get checked in with the coordinator.

Canvassers will be back in Chicago/Evanston after 8:30pm Saturday night.
More opportunities to make a difference in Wisconsin:

Labor 2004 Canvass - Kenosha
Date: 09/18/2004 Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Event Sponsors: AFL-CIO
Location: UAW Hall, 3615 Washington Road map
Contact: Jose Perez - 414-477-6637 (

Description: Tired of having a President who takes away overtime pay, advocates policies that encourage companies to send jobs overseas and has no plan to reduce health care costs?

Join us on Election Action Day in visiting union members at their homes and talking with them about the issues at stake in this election, especially where the candidates stand on issues that affect America's workers and their families.

Election Action Day Kick-Off-and Canvass - Milwaukee
Date: 09/18/2004 Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Event Sponsors: America Coming Together (ACT), League of Conservation Voters
Location: 207 East Buffalo St - Milwaukee, WI map
Contact: Jay Els (ACT) - 608-250-5923; Trish or Tassos (LCV) at 414-225-0302 (;

Description: Come hit the streets of Milwaukee with ACT and the League of Conservation Voters as we talk to voters about the issues that matter most this election season!

Sierra Club "Road to Somewhere" Volunteer Walk
Date: 09/18/2004 Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Event Sponsors: Sierra Club
Location: Root River Parkway (near W. Grange Ave. and S. 84th Street in Franklin)
Contact: Jessica Eagle, 414-453-3127 (

Description: Join with fellow conservationists as we talk to voters in Franklin about clean air and clean water and motivate them to get out and vote this November!

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