Thursday, March 16, 2006

6th District Candidates Differ on Bush's Tax Cuts for the Hyper-Rich

From your Daily Herald:
While campaigning, 6th Congressional District Democrat Tammy Duckworth rails against what she says are President Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy.

“With a record federal debt, cutting taxes that primarily benefit millionaires is bad fiscal policy,” she states in her position paper on the economy.

But ask Duckworth which of the Bush tax cuts she’d repeal, and the answer isn’t as cut-and-dried.

She doesn’t favor rolling back the income tax rate cuts — even for the wealthy — saying she’d “leave (them) where they are at present.” Duckworth also favors rolling back only half of the Bush administration’s proposed tax cuts on dividends and capital gains, even though she argues they disproportionately help those with the most money.

Those moderate stances on taxes contrast with opponents Christine Cegelis and Lindy Scott, both of whom favor rolling back some of the income tax cuts and repealing the cuts on dividends and capital gains.

“Right now, we are taxing the working class. People who work for a living get a higher tax rate than people who live off of investments. That just doesn’t seem right to me,” said Cegelis, a technology consultant from Rolling Meadows.

To remedy that, Cegelis suggests repealing the income tax cut for the top 1 percent of wage earners, which she identifies as those making $300,000 or more per year
Have you had your fill of Democratic candidates who talk about helping the working class, but who refuse to stand up against Bush's tax cuts for the hyper-rich? After 2004, I'm damn sick of "I'm for it/against it/for it" Democrats. So if you are looking for a candidate who will walk it like she talks it, join me in supporting Christine Cegelis.

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