[W]hen crunching PC recruitment numbers, it was pretty clear that when Township organizations worked actively with OTDB, recruitment was up significantly over Townships in which there was no such cooperation. ***Although it's a radical idea, I think Michael may be on to something here -- The Democratic Party of DuPage County should be focused on one thing: Electing Democrats in DuPage County.Note to local Democratic Leadership everywhere: If you want to win in places like IL-06 you're going to have to work with your local activists.
This means you are going to have to listen to the people on the ground who keep saying repeatedly that we are not going to beat Republicans -- especially local ones like Roskam -- by being Republican-lite.
Most importantly of all, stop trying to be the king of the damn ant hill and see the big picture: winning elections.
But I'm afraid I have to differ with Michael on his use of metaphor: without the energy of local grassroots activists, the party isn't even an ant hill -- it's a dung hill.
I agree with Michael. I'd like to also point out that the activist base helps no one when they create divisions with other activists and refuse to work with with them based upon very petty differences.
Really, it goes both ways. Division is very unproductive and I have seriously had enough. I'll tell you who hasn't had enough, though...the local GOP. They love this crap.
I just do not get why people can't get their heads out of their arses and work for a common goal together.
Ouch! Now that's pretty severe!
Love the graphic BTW.
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