Sunday, September 09, 2007

Work is Sometimes Unpleasant -- That's Why They Call It "Work" Instead of "Fun"

One of my operatives recently forwarded* an e-mail originally sent by a DuPage Democrat "concerned" about Operation: Turn DuPage Blue.

The note's gripe was that OTDB is too "divisive".


Because they are "too critical" of some of the leadership in the Democratic Party in DuPage County.


Here is a little fact that I would have thought went without saying:
Anyone trying to fix the problems afflicting the DuPage County Democratic Party will necessarily have to identify the problems afflicting the DuPage County Democratic Party.

Ignoring the problems will not make them go away.

Taking an honest, i.e. critical, look at the county party's shortcomings is essential to ever making the DuPage County Democratic Party effective.
DuPage Democrats can't let a few fragile egos keep Democratic activists -- OTDB or anyone else -- from doing the work necessary to make the Democratic Party effective in DuPage County.

And make no mistake, that will take work.

*Here's some free advice for citizens of the 21st century: If my e-mail box is any indication, it's not a matter of if your nasty, backbiting e-mail is eventually forwarded to someone you would rather not read it, it is a matter of when your nasty backbiting e-mail is forwarded to someone you would rather not read it.

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