Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Obama: The Choice of Bollywood Liberals


Bridget said...

Hey SCAM, I posted that a while ago. Hysterical, right?

So-Called Austin Mayor said...


The Alias Kid aka Kid Alias was good enough to provided me with an English translation of the song's lyrics:

odd job odd job odd job odd job odd job odd job odd
jury jury hung juries say
darker and gay
choker choker
filthy party
Yeah, I called her gay
I know Ali
Dope, buy a Key.
Joey Pepitone
I groomed my hey hey
Jolly cops say:
'Hum "Das Capital"'
odd job odd job odd job odd job odd job odd job odd
Mario Wario
Jam the east-side soon and away we go
Mario Wario
Join the Evil Legion soon the world will know
odd job odd job odd job odd job odd job odd job odd
jury jury hung juries say
darker and gay
choker choker
filthy party
Yeah, I called her gay
Cop, buy a Key.
Joey Pepitone
I groomed my hey hey
Jolly cops say:
'Hum "Das Capital"'
odd job odd job odd job odd job odd job odd job odd



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