Monday, September 27, 2004

Iraq v. The War Against Terror

President Bush assured the American people that Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf is "still tight with us in the war against terror."

So how did Mr. Bush's "tight" ally reply when asked, "Is the world a safer place because of the war in Iraq?" Musharraf said, "No. It's more dangerous. It's not safer, certainly not."

From the CNN transcript (scroll down)
ZAHN: Is the world a safer place because of the war in Iraq?
MUSHARRAF: No. It's more dangerous. It's not safer, certainly not.
ZAHN: How so?
MUSHARRAF: Well, because it has aroused actions of the Muslims more. It's aroused certain sentiments of the Muslim world, and then the responses, the latest phenomena of explosives, more frequent for bombs and suicide bombings. This phenomenon is extremely dangerous.
ZAHN: Was it a mistake to have gone to war with Iraq?
MUSHARRAF: Well, I would say that it has ended up bringing more trouble to the world.
Bush/Cheney '04: Bringing more trouble to the world.

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