Wednesday, January 19, 2005


"It was not articulated that way in the campaign."

This Washington Post story indicates that some Bush backers are starting to figure out that their "values candidate" is a big ol' liar:
President Bush came under fire from some social conservatives yesterday for saying he will not aggressively lobby the Senate to pass a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage during his second term. ***

Social conservatives who helped stoke record turnout for Bush in the 2004 election expressed concern that he is dropping the issue he passionately touted during the campaign now that he has been reelected. "The president is willing to spend his political capital on Social Security reform, but the nation is greatly conflicted on that issue," said [Tom] Minnery, vice president of public policy for Focus on the Family. "The nation is united on marriage. The president's leadership is desperately needed."
Republicans who run on social issues but act only on fiscal issues... somebody should write a book about that.

But some Christian conservatives seem to be comforting themselves with the idea that, while Bush is lying, he isn't lying to them:
Some conservatives, however, said they trust Bush will still push for the amendment, despite his remarks. Janet M. LaRue of Concerned Women for America, a Washington-based group that seeks to reverse the nation's "moral decline," said Bush was pointing to the realities of a divided Senate. "I think he was speaking practically about the fact that there are senators who are waiting to see whether the federal Defense of Marriage Act is struck down by a court."
Undeterred by his own public statements, Bush is telling right-wing Christians that he still supports their bigotry:
The president is sensitive to the concerns of social conservatives and has tried to reassure them over the past two days that he remains as committed as ever to outlawing same-sex marriage, according to White House officials. Privately, some Bush advisers say the president is uncomfortable picking divisive political fights over abortion and same-sex marriage that cannot be won. ***

Social conservatives agree it is an uphill fight in the Senate. But they worry Bush is undermining the chances before the second-term debate even begins. "It seems wrong to signal at the start of the new Congress that nothing is likely to happen," Minnery said. "We would like him to stoke this first, so when there is this precipitating event, we can hit the ground running."
Bush to Christian conservatives: "Thanks for stoking my turnout, now go stoke yourselves."

(emphasis added)

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